The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance kicked off a time sensitive, high stakes project for the safeguarding of the rights of data subjects. After receiving a European Union H2020 grant, it was essential they had some highly specialized consortium members to carry the project forward. On top of the all important front-end and back-end details, they needed an experienced team to build and integrate the innovative platform. Our extensive software security experience set the scene perfectly for Jibe to take the reins as the PoSeID-on architectural lead. Focussed on technical organization, Jibe's considerable implementation processes acted as the fundamental glue for the complete package. Our coordination made sure the other consortium members’ complex software united seamlessly.
Envisioned as the ultimate tool for allowing European Citizens to maintain full control of their own data. The PoSeID-on platform needed to be incredibly secure, easily scalable, and in full compliance with the GDPR.
Papers Published
Data Subjects
PoSeID-on leverages blockchain technology to securely ensure the GDPR-derived rights for all EU users. To work with the crossover between security and privacy, PoSeID-on pushes the boundaries of cutting-edge blockchain technology.
To support full trust in the PoSeID-on platform, smart contracts supply the crucial tools to store process, and protect access rights over personal data. Building on the foundations of blockchain technology, smart contracts offer new and exciting solutions to scalabe securirt challenges.
First and foremost, PoSeID-on is a comprehensive platform to ensure the rights of data subjects in the digital era. PoSeID-on offers organizations a turn-key solution for ensuring GDPR compliance. The innovative platform allows for tight integration with existing private sector and government business software, as well as legal processes across the EU.
A platform like PoSeID-on is comprised of countless separate software services. With the help of Kubernetes, we can efficiently define, deploy, and scale the platform as a whole. From a humble few, to a mammoth few million, Kubernetes makes sure that PoSeID-on can cope.
Using a top-down approach, we shaped the entire PoSeID-on project around the citizens of the EU, complying with their data subject rights.
To reach the largest group of users, with the most common application in the world, we ensured the PoSeID-on platform only needs a web-browser to function.
Whether we’re going from our test environment of hundreds, to the millions of users across the EU. Fast-response times are guaranteed for optimal user experience satisfaction.
We used leading web security standards, and best practices, combined with a security in-depth approach, to handle vast amounts of highly-sensitive data.
Our modular, clean code is easy to deploy, no bother to support, and smooth to build upon. Jibe's transparency, flexibility, and maximum efficiency guarantees no surprises down the line.
Accessibility is the number 1 priority, with different languages, various devices, disabilities, and even levels of technology-literacy included.
PoSeID-on empowers data subjects of the EU to be in full control of their own data for the first time ever. Their data past, present, and future will be GDPR-compliant without compromise.
PoSeID-on empowers data subjects of the EU to be in full control of their own data for the first time ever. Their data past, present, and future will be GDPR-compliant without compromise. POSEIDON is a project funded by the European Commission. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program under Grant Agreement n° 786713. Any website contents reflect only the author's view and the EC is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.